Saturday, October 17, 2009
Change in walking and the resulting benefits
Always the same distance to walk but is for your own performance, but
for people who only run for the fun, boring. Even with a little variety
you can keep the fun, while acting contrary to the one-sided burden to
train as well as other muscle groups and motor.
Perhaps the simplest kind of change it is simply time to run the other way
round. Nevertheless, this result, so simple, this variant may be,
entirely new visual impressions and physical burdens. In extreme cases,
this round will be even more strenuous than many are accustomed
to it otherwise.
Because many roads are steep at the sides and so a foot is more contaminated
than the other, since one slanting with it occurs, should themselves take
the time runners change sides into consideration. Rather than the right one
then runs left on the wayside. This helps to counteract the extremely
one-sided load and also provides for new images in the mental process
that arise while working out.
In order to train not only the same motor skills or muscle groups, you can also
round the faster or slower in each case run. We will train again at another time,
endurance and strength endurance learns and uses different engine,
so that the organism is a continuous change and stress.
Whoever is running only on flat stretches, should necessarily have time to
benefit from the effort of an uneven or no experience with large height
differences existing route. To complicate matters even further, can also, if it is
possible to be run over hill and dale. You will find that these differences are
enormous. For these reasons, it can be expected that one comes out of breath
much sooner than is usually the case during training. Thus, one should start is
best to choose a shorter distance to get used to it slowly.
In addition, the interval would still run a chance against the boredom and
routine, and thus demotivating when you run. Times faster, then slower from a
stop to sprint, long and short steps, jumps, sideways or even backward rotation
to incorporate different arm movements with everything we think of it, and is
the realm of possibility. So that not only provides for a change in the load,
different engines, or the feeling of running, but you can train at the same time
also the co-ordination.
These are obviously all just examples and suggestions that can be individually
adapted to their specific needs. The main thing is we have fun again and running.
The training of other muscles, motors, loads, or even the co-ordination, then all
will be used only for a change, either automatically or as a serious
Rundumtraining and must not be permanently in effect, strategically through.
Fitness and Sports,
Running routes,
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